If you have an NDIS plan, you might be aware that you can use your funding to hire a support worker, engage with allied health supports or purchase disability-related assistive technology. These are the most common services used by NDIS participants.
But did you know that you could be using your funding for things like yard maintenance, parent and carer training or play therapy?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ with the NDIS. Every person has a unique set of support needs and goals, so every NDIS plan looks different. You might get funding for an iPad or an app to help you with communication; someone else might be funded for a wheelchair to support them with mobility.
Knowing the variety of supports and services available will help you have choice and control, and make the most out of your NDIS plan. After all, your plan was built to help you live the life you want.
NDIS support categories
So, how do you know what you have funding for? You need to look at the NDIS funding categories in your plan.
We’re going to have a quick look at these and then go through some common and uncommon ways your funding can be used.
NDIS plans are broken up into three support categories. These are:
Core supports
This support budget covers the funding you receive to help you with your day-to-day life. All core support categories are flexible. This means you can use these supports across a range of different services and shift your funding around as needed.
Capacity building supports
This support budget covers the funding you receive to help you with skill development and to increase your independence. This section is not flexible and will have different categories depending on your support needs.
Capital building supports
This support budget covers the funding you receive to help you pay for high-cost items related to your disability. This can include vehicle modifications, home modifications or high-cost mobility aids.
Your plan could have just one category or all three of them. This just depends on the types of supports you need.
Common and uncommon ways to use each support category
Let’s have a look at some examples of support needs you might have, the types of common or uncommon funded supports you could engage to help you, and which support category these supports will come from.
Core Supports
As we mentioned, your core supports cover your day-to-day life. Let’s say you are looking for support around your house to help you with your daily tasks, depending on what you are after, there are a few different ways you can get support with this.
Example: I need assistance around my house
Common uses of core support funding
- Assistance with daily life. This is your general funding for support work. You might want someone to work alongside you to help develop your home maintenance or cleaning skills. You might also like support to help you create meal plans, go grocery shopping and cook your meals.
Uncommon uses of core support funding
- House cleaning and other household activities. This can be used for general cleaning, washing dishes, assistance with laundry or decluttering.
- House maintenance. This can be used to cover the cost of a handyman to complete small jobs
- Yard maintenance. This can be used for lawn mowing, watering, weeding, or general outdoor tidying.
- Meal preparation and delivery. This can be used for meal delivery services. This does not include the cost of the food. This service needs to be specifically mentioned in your NDIS plan to be able to access it.
- Linen service. This can be used for services that will pick you your laundry and return it to you clean and folded. This is a ‘quote required’ support meaning it must be approved by the NDIS and added to your plan prior to accessing this service.
Capacity Building Supports
Capacity building supports is the funding allocated to support you with your skill development and increase your independence. This time, let's say you would like to work on your social skills. We will explore the different services available in capacity building to assist you with this.
Example: I would like to improve my social skills
Common uses of capacity building funding
- Improved daily living – psychology. Develop strategies to improve your social life.
- Improved daily living – occupational therapy. Develop strategies for over-stimulating environments or situations.
- Increases social and community participation – community participation activities. Join a community group, like yoga or craft, if you are at risk of social isolation.
- Improved relationships – specialist ehavioural intervention support. Learn techniques to process sensory triggers while in social settings.
Uncommon uses of capacity building funding
- Art therapy. Improve your communication and enhance social experience.
- Music therapy. Develop skills to better collaborate with peers.
- Hydrotherapy. Increase confidence in your physical abilities.
- Play therapy. Learn skills to better express emotions and improve communication skills.
- Equine therapy. Increase ability to engage with others.
- Virtual reality therapy. Allow time to increase confidence and connect with others.
If you are interested in accessing these types of therapies, our team at HeyHubble can connect you with trusted providers in your local area.
Capital Supports
The capital supports section of your plan will help you pay for high-cost disability-related assistive technology. This section is specific to you and your needs. People who do not require assistive technology, will not receive funding in this section of their plan. Most capital supports will need direct NDIS approval.
If you do have this section, it is likely that you have been funded for a specific item stated in your plan. You may also have some flexible funding here. This could be for repairs and maintenance, or for other higher-cost items you need to buy.
Let’s have a look at some common and uncommon uses of capital supports.
Common uses of capital funding
- Personal mobility equipment. Eg. wheelchair, scooter or walking frame.
- Assistive products for personal care and safety. Eg. shower commode, toilet attachments or specialised child car seat.
- Communication and information equipment. Eg. Personal reader, adapted tablet or software.
- Home Modification design and construction. Eg. Ceiling Hoists, step modifications or structural work.
Uncommon uses of capital funding
- Assistance animals. Assistance Dogs, including guide dogs. If you have been approved for an assistance animal, you can also use NDIS capital funding to cover ongoing costs like pet bills and general grooming.
- Assistive equipment for recreation. This can include adapted bicycles, tricycles and any additional adaptations needed. This can also cover adapted gaming interfaces for recreational use.
- Rental equipment. Your capital funding can be used to rent high cost equipment to ensure that it is the right fit for your needs, prior to purchasing them.
Interested in learning more?
To learn more about how different providers can support you, you can check out our helpful guide to allied health providers and what they do.
Understanding what's out there in the world of NDIS supports is the first step. Then, you need to find and choose the right people for you. It's an important decision, but it doesn't need to be overwhelming or take up a lot of time. You can let us know here at HeyHubble what you're looking for, and we'll personally find you some great NDIS provider options for you to choose from.
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